Web Portal
The McKenzie watershed water quality web portal provides partner agencies, researchers, watershed stakeholders and the interested public with data and information collected by the Eugene Water & Electric Board on the health of the McKenzie River, Eugene’s source of drinking water.
Water Quality Database
The database contains water quality data collected since the 1950s from 67 water quality monitoring locations to monitor baseline water quality and, more recently, storm events. Monitoring locations are distributed from the headwaters to the confluence of the McKenzie River, and also include tributaries, stormwater conveyances, and power canals. Samples are analyzed for various water quality parameters that fall into the following broad groups: Bacteria/Algae; Emerging Contaminant; Major Ion; Metal; Nutrient; Pesticide; Petroleum Hydrocarbon; Semi-Volatile (SVOC) and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) and General.
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Data Exploration
All data are available for viewing, exploration and download. Options include:
- Spatial depiction of monitoring locations and results (where was a parameter or parameter suite monitored or detected or did the parameter exceed a benchmark).
- Through charts and tables explore how often a parameter was monitored, detected or found to exceed a benchmark, with options to focus these queries by station, by parameter, by date and by benchmark
- Through charts and tables explore by parameter or monitoring station, baseline water quality. Target queries through control of station, parameter (or suite), date and benchmark
- Through charts and tables explore by parameter or monitoring station, storm event water quality. Target queries through control of station, parameter (or suite), storm event, and benchmark. Compare to available flow and precipitation data for that storm event
- Download all or selected portions of the database in MS Excel format. Print charts and tables created during queries to Adobe pdf.
Click here to see links to the selected benchmarks used to evaluate EWEB’s water quality data.
Click here to see browser and system recommendations.