Water Quality Data Screening: Benchmark Information
Summary information and links to the selected benchmarks used to evaluate EWEB’s water quality data.
1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Primary Maximum Contaminant Level
Benchmark Abbreviation: Primary MCL
Agency Website:
2. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Effective Human Health Water Quality Criteria for Toxic Pollutants
Benchmark Abbreviation: DEQ HHC
Agency Website:
3. U.S. Geological Survey Health-Based Screening Levels*
Benchmark Abbreviation: USGS HBSL
Agency Website:
*Note from the USGS website (see link above): Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs) are non-enforceable water-quality benchmarks that can be used to (1) supplement EPA MCLs and HHBPs, (2) determine whether contaminants found in surface-water or groundwater sources of drinking water may indicate a potential human-health concern, and (3) help prioritize monitoring efforts. HBSLs were developed by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment (
NAWQA) Program for contaminants that do not have USEPA MCLs or HHBPs.
HBSLs were updated in June 2014 in order to:
- Provide benchmarks, when possible, for 267 new contaminants analyzed by the NAWQA Program.
- Remove HBSLs for contaminants that have new USEPA chronic HHBPs.
- Be consistent with new USEPA policies, by calculating both Noncancer and Cancer HBSLs for some contaminants.
4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Level (USEPA RSL)
Benchmark Abbreviation: EPA RSL
Agency Website:
5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Human Health Benchmarks for Pesticides
Benchmark Abbreviation: EPA HHBP
Agency Website:
6. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Standard for E. Coli
Benchmark Abbreviation: OR Rec Max
Agency Website:
*Note: On July 22, 1999, EPA approved Oregon’s applicable water quality standard for bacteria in freshwater as follows: 30-day log mean of 126 org/100 MPN/100 ml and a single sample maximum (SSM) of 406 org/100 MPN/100 ml for e. coli (OAR041-009). EWEB’s water quality data portal currently includes the ability to screen monitoring results for the SSM; however, a tool that allows the public to easily evaluate monitoring data using the 30-day log mean may be made available in the future for monitoring locations that have multiple results within a 30-day period.
7. Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division Advisory Guidelines for Harmful Algae Blooms
Benchmark Abbreviation: OHA
Agency Website: