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What Can I Do Here?
This tool helps you explore which parameters were sampled at a station or which stations have data for a parameter. Also explore where detections and exceedances have occurred and for which parameters. Your query produces a chart of the number of samples, number of samples where a parameter was detected, and the number of samples that exceed a benchmark. A table also provides the minimum and maximum measurements and the lowest applicable benchmark source.
How Do I Proceed?
Select exploration by station or parameter by clicking the appropriate circle. To see data for a parameter group at a particular station, select station and then the parameter group of interest. Only parameter groups that have data that match your query will appear. Narrow your exploration to a particular monitoring program and time period if desired. Exceedance is defined as a concentration greater than any of the selected benchmarks.
Scroll down for this chart's respective table.
Show Chart Tips |
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Mouse-over chart bar tops and bases to view hints pop-up boxes of bar-specific information.
You can zoom-in using the mouse left click on top left of an area and drag the cursor to bottom right of the area and release the left click of the mouse.
Chart can also be zoomed via the scroll wheel on the mouse. Scroll wheel up to zoom-in and vise versa to zoom-out.
Use cursor (drag and drop) to move legend window.
Click on radio buttons in legend to show/hide a single chart series in chart.
Select station or parameter: |
Monitoring program: |
Select what to include: |
Select monitoring period: |
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Query tables may be sorted by clicking on the column you’d like to sort by (first click is ascending, second click is descending). Tables may be downloaded as an Excel file (scroll to bottom of table). Alternatively, a table may be copied directly into an Excel spreadsheet by highlighting the desired cells and using the "Paste Special" command and selecting "Text" or into a Word Document, email, etc.
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