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What Can I Do Here?
This page helps you explore Baseline water quality data. For a specified monitoring period, you can plot data for one or two parameters at one station; or one parameter at multiple stations. If desired, you can also compare water quality data to applicable benchmarks. Your query produces a chart as well as a table, which includes additional information.
How Do I Proceed?
If you are interested in data for a particular station, select Station and one or two parameters. Select Parameter to explore all available data for a given parameter. Narrow your query further by focusing only on parameters with detections or exceedances or on a certain time period. If there is a Primary Maximum Contaminant Level or the lowest benchmark for one or both of the parameters you have selected, you can plot it with the data by checking the appropriate benchmark box. Select “Run?to produce the chart and table.
Mouse-over chart bar tops and bases to view hints pop-up boxes of bar-specific information.
You can zoom-in using the mouse left click on top left of an area and drag the cursor to bottom right of the area and release the left click of the mouse.
Chart can also be zoomed via the scroll wheel on the mouse. Scroll wheel up to zoom-in and vise versa to zoom-out.
Use cursor (drag and drop) to move legend window.
Click on radio buttons in legend to show/hide a single chart series in chart.